Saturday, December 1, 2018

Re: Typing Persian (Farsi) in Vim

Bahman Eslami wrote:

> Sorry for late reply and also taking your time on this,
> Tony:
> I added the configuration as you mentioned. After that when I typed Persian everything got typed as question marks and still as before every character I typed resulted in more than one character. So I still prefer to have the feature 'arabic' and 'persian' off. Sorry but thanks!
> Bram:
> Maybe I didn't understand you question correctly? I cloned the vim
> from GitHub and without any changes to the source if I build it using
> the 'huge' feature, it includes +arabic and +farsi. Even if I use
> homebrew to install it I get those features. According to this
> <> vim includes
> 'farsi' and 'arabic' in the 'huge' features. I don't explicitly add
> 'arabic' nor 'farsi' since I don't know how it's done without changing
> the feature and config file in the src. I hope this answered the
> question.

Yes, I understand that your Vim is build with +arabic and +farsi. That
is fine, I also build with these features.

The question is: When Vim has these features, what is different from a
Vim without these features? Both Vim binaries should do exactly the
same thing, unless you set options such as 'arabic' and 'fkmap'. Are
these options set automatically for you perhaps? Try this:

verbose set arabic? fkmap?

Or just try disabling them:

verbose set noarabic norightleft nofkmap

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (The Times of London)

Dear Sir,

I am firmly opposed to the spread of microchips either to the home or
to the office.  We have more than enough of them foisted upon us in
public places.  They are a disgusting Americanism, and can only result
in the farmers being forced to grow smaller potatoes, which in turn
will cause massive unemployment in the already severely depressed
agricultural industry.

Yours faithfully,
        Capt. Quinton D'Arcy, J. P.

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