Is there a way to directly ask the Vim spell checker precisely why the word under the cursor is misspelled?
It took me a bit to figure out how it paints a blue background behind bare words on a line because they are not capitalized. For example:
I can figure it out pretty easily from the suggestions listed by typing z= in normal mode (while my cursor is on the highlighted non-capitalized word) because the first suggestion is "Foo" with a capital F.
It would be handy to be able to get this information explicitly in Vim script, similar to how I can use synIDattr() and synIDtrans() to query the name and detail of the syntax highlighting group in effect at the current cursor position. Getting the group "SpellCap" or something like "word [foo] is not capitalized" would be helpful. I guess I'd prefer the first because it is unambiguous and ":help SpellCap" works as expected.
- vim_use thread: VimL functions to determine spelling categories?
- vim_use thread: Programmatically detect a current "highlight" setting?
- SpellCheck script
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