Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Re: The package you uploaded (vim-noweb.tgz) is empty

On Fr, 26 Mai 2023, Edward McGuire wrote:

> This is my first time to try to contribute a Vim plugin to vim.org.
> Where is this newbie going wrong?
> I offered a tarball containing an ftdetect, a syntax, and a README and LICENSE.
> The site replied: "The package you uploaded (vim-noweb.tgz) is empty".
> I have already extracted my own tarball to double check the contents.
> I have also tried renaming to vim-noweb.tar.gz, in case it was to do with naming .
> The plugin I'm trying to contribute lives at
> https://metaed.com/papers/vim-noweb/
> and the actual tarball is there.

I am not sure. What is the script id? I might be able to check it on the
server (no promises however).

Also is there a reason, you are using the tgz/tar.gz extension? That is
always a bit troublesome to extract on Windows, so just curious if this
works with a zip extension or a simple .vmb for vimball.

Wenn jeder Mensch ahnte, von wie vielen er durchschaut wird!
-- Elias Canetti (Die Provinz des Menschen. 1942-1972)

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