Wednesday, May 31, 2023

passing vim9 vars to python3


Seeing the legacy vimscript func Test_python3_vars() in src\testdir\test_python3.vim

Can you confirm that in vim9script, those setlines test are no possible to be written in same way to be passed to python3 world ?

func Test_python3_vars()
  let g:foo = 'bac'              -- << -- THE ONLY ONE CAN BE USED in vim9 ?
  let w:abc3 = 'def'            -- << -- NOT POSSIBLE in vim9
  let b:baz = 'bar'               -- << -- NOT POSSIBLE in vim9
  let t:bar = 'jkl'                   -- << -- NOT POSSIBLE in vim9

Beyond a simple variable, is it possible to move a VIM9 class to the python3 world?

Thank you
N i c o l a s

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