Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Re: filelist window ?

2009/12/29 Ramagudi Naziir <naziirr@gmail.com>

I really really want something like taglist but for files:
A window that will show me the list of files in my project,
in which i can easily find my files.
E.g., a user can type the name or part of the file name he is looking
the the list of file names will be narrowed down and he could just
choose his file to open easily.

the file list should have all the files in the project (recursively
looking for files in subdirectories).

any idea how I can acheive this ?

 Like Tom says, there are several plugins that achieve this, but I hate wasting as much screen space.

Instead of that, when I need to pick for some file, I simply execute ":tabedit ." (note the final dot) which opens current directory in new tab.

Of course, I like working with tabs. If you prefer to open it in new window, then you can simply make :Sex (again, NOTE the colon ;-))


Joan Miquel Torres__________________________________
Linux Registered User #164872
BULMA: http://bulma.net http://breu.bulma.net/?l2301

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