Sunday, December 27, 2009

very simple braces based folding

Hi folks,

I use a pretty simple folding algorithm for C files and it works very well:

" This is in my .vimrc
set foldnestmax=1

" And these are in .vim/ftplugin/c.vim
syn sync fromstart
set foldmethod=syntax

I guess the default settings for C files are also loaded from
/usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/c.vim etc.

The above settings do exactly what I need, folding only top level
braces, i.e. if I have

void x( )
void y( )

then folding everything produces

void x( )
void y( )

And if the folded regions are unfolded, there are no enclosed folds
either (only top level braces are folded).

This is all good.

Now I have a hard time reproducing all of this with javascript files :(

If I copy the same settings from ~/.vim/ftplugin/c.vim to
~/.vim/ftplugin/javascript.vim I don't get the same results, for
example vim can't find folds where there should be one, for example
between two top level braces.

I guess the different behavior has to do with the fact that although
my custom settings are the same, the system wide
/usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/* settings are not the same for javascript
and C.

I tried solving the problem by :set filetype=c for javascript, which
indeed does the folding as I expect it, but it comes with all sorts of
other problems due to the source file not being C but javascript (for
example something({ ........ }) which is common in javascript
highlights the braces in red, indicating an error, since this
construct is indeed erroneous in C).

So my question is: how would I make vim fold only top level braces
once for javascript files?

vim 7.2.245


Psss, psss, put it down! -

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