Thursday, December 31, 2009

Re: Split window automatically when opening 2 or 3 files

On Dec 30, 3:37 pm, Brock Henry <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to have Vim (on Windows), automatically split the window if I open
> two files (using right-click explorer integration - Open in Single VIM
> Window).
> Actually, a new right-click integration that did this (Open in split VIM
> Window), would be perfect.
> Is there anyway to do this?

You want to have Windows insert the -o or -O flags to Vim prior to the
file list. You can do this in a few places:

1. You can use a file association so that right-clicking on several
selected files and selecting "Open" will do what you want. This will
also let you double-click to open a single file in a new Vim. See for details.

2. You can use the Windows "Send To" menu to allow you to right-click
on one of the selected files and chose a command from the "Send To"
submenu. See
for details.

3. You can find the registry entry that contols the "Edit files in
single Vim" context menu entry and edit that with regedit. I'm not
sure if we have a tip on this, I vaguely remember seeing something to
this effect.

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