Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Re: vim_use

I'm very sorry - is it possible to moderate the topic? I've typed group name accidently.

W dniu środa, 3 lipca 2013 01:59:45 UTC+2 użytkownik Łukasz Bujakowski napisał:
> I've played few hours with netrw today.
> I've opened files, directories, created/removed/moved some. After some time I've stared to receive strange errors when doing many different things. Like running a shell command. I haven't seen those errors before, and nerdtree -> netrw is the only thing I've changed today, so it must be related. I've increased verbosity, and did `:!ls` to gather a log.
> I suspect, that my `set hidden` is somehow responsible. I also tried reproducing this on fresh vim, but couldn't do it - so either I've set something or a plugin collision occurs.
> Any ideas what could be wrong, or other tracking techniques then `vbs` to narrow this down?

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