Friday, October 17, 2014

Re: How to prevent cursor briefly jumping to top of file on 'edit'?

Hi boss!

On Fr, 17 Okt 2014, wrote:

> Hello!
> Here's my problem:
> 1. Open a file in vim which is larger than the window.
> 2. Go to the bottom of the file.
> 3. Type `:edit`
> 4a. Expected behaviour: nothing apparently changes
> 4b. Actual behaviour: cursor briefly jumps to line 1 then jumps back to bottom of file.
> I get this problem on terminal vim ('mvim -v') but not gui MacVim. I'm running Vim 7.4.258.
> Is there a way to prevent the flicker caused by 4b?

I don't see this. Could this be caused by a plugin?

Can you reproduce the issue with vim -u NONE -N

Mein Kopf wackelt, aber ich verspreche euch, er fällt nicht runter.
-- Audrey Hepburn

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