Friday, March 23, 2018

Re: Mapping for one handed touch typing

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Robert Bower <> wrote:
Before, I create my own map, I was wondering has anyone found a remapping for one handed typing?

When I broke my right hand and it was immobilized, I made a bunch of mappings to allow me to continue to be fairly productive.

First, I mapped F1 to F4 to hjkl respectively.  This allowed me to somewhat emulate the normal Vim movement keys, and since I had no muscle memory built up, I needed to visually verify my finger position often.  I found it convenient that the keys I mapped were laid out in relation to the keys I was mapping so I could check my finger position literally at a glance. A little dab of epoxy resin on F1 and F4 also helped me identify them by touch (simulating the dots on F and J on most keyboards).

I also mapped the Leader to be the ` (backtick) character, as the default leader of \ (backslash) was rather inconvenient.  I think there was something buggy about this, but I never figured out what, and I don't use the map leader functionality very often.

I then mapped the : (colon) to be `` (double backticks), so that I could just mash that key twice in order to access command mode.  This, of course, I used A LOT.

I also mapped CapsLock to be the Enter key, so that I could access that easily as well.   I ended up turning that off sometimes though, because I found that certain all-capital letter sequences were super tedious to type one-handed without Caps Lock. YMMV.   I did this with AutoHotKey on Windows, not with native Vim functionality.  xmodmap on Linux should do something similar.

But, the absolute best thing I did was to get a dictionary file of weighted words (i.e., sorted by frequency of use in the English language) and set my dictionary file to use that.  Then I used the ACP (autocompletepop)  plugin so that I could tab-complete most English words. When I type two-handed, and my output is English words (not computer code)  it's generally faster to type a word than it is to try to have ACP complete it for me, but when typing one handed I found it much, much faster to have ACP suggest words for me.    I found a ~200k word file online without too much trouble, sadly I don't remember where anymore.  I believe it was some university somewhere.  It was freely available, but I don't want to publish my personal copy of it because it isn't my own work, and I didn't think to save the link or the author information.

The upshot of all those mappings is, your fingers generally hover near the top-left of the keyboard, largely mitigating the need to keep them near fghj.   Tab-completing words ends up being quick enough to offset -in terms of typed words per minute -  the distance you have to move your hand to type "p" or "?" or whatnot.   

My actual .vimrc entries:

 " LEFT-HANDED """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" let double backticks act like the colon
nnoremap `` :
" change the Leader key to be ` for left-handed typing
let mapleader="`"
"map the movement keys to F1 to F4, and follow virtual lines
nnoremap <F1> h
nnoremap <F2> gj
nnoremap <F3> gk
nnoremap <F4> l
vnoremap <F1> h
vnoremap <F2> gj
vnoremap <F3> gk
vnoremap <F4> l
" turn on the ACP plugin on startup
let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 1
set dictionary=~/.vim/dict/weighted_words
" LEFT-HANDED """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Hope that helps,

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