Saturday, April 15, 2023

Re: Unable to log in to

> When I attempt to log in to to upload a script release, either the
> login page hangs, or I get a "query failed IX3" error. Does anyone know
> whether the site is down? I think I have the correct username and password
> but can't tell for sure.

If you go to the home page you should see a warning for "Database
Problems". The website depends on a database, which currently isn't
working. Usually this kind of problem goes away after a short while.

I'll add a remark that this also affects login.

ARTHUR: No, hang on! Just answer the five questions ...
GALAHAD: Three questions ...
ARTHUR: Three questions ... And we shall watch ... and pray.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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