Friday, April 21, 2023

Re: Unexpected cterm-colors

On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 13:25:42 +0200
Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Fr, 21 Apr 2023, Enan Ajmain wrote:
> > [...]
> > The color codes for NR-16 don't make sense to me. Take Yellow, for example.
> > Why is it numbered 14? 16-bit terminals use 11 for bright yellow [1]. Why is
> > it different inside Vim?
> It's not like Vim chose a different color, it's more like this documents
> "standard" behaviour back in the time.
> I believe this is just documenting the CGA standard. You can find it
> e.g. here: and
> check the Full CGA 16-color palette chart.

Thanks for the info. I haven't understood why CGA 16-color palette is
different than terminal 16-color palette, but I will try and find out.

Another thing: what does NR-16 and NR-8 mean? I can't find these terms
on the internet. Every hit I get is in the context of Vim.

P.S. In the thread-top email, I mistakenly wrote "16-bit terminals"
instead of "16-color terminals." I hope that didn't cause confusion.


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