Friday, April 21, 2023

Re: Unexpected cterm-colors

On Fr, 21 Apr 2023, Enan Ajmain wrote:

> I know colorschemes have been a source of issue for ignorant vimmers
> for a long time. This is not an attempt to restart old conversation. I
> am looking for pointers where to research this question.
> From ':h cterm-colors':
> 0 0 Black
> 1 4 DarkBlue
> 2 2 DarkGreen
> 3 6 DarkCyan
> 4 1 DarkRed
> 5 5 DarkMagenta
> 6 3 Brown, DarkYellow
> 7 7 LightGray, LightGrey, Gray, Grey
> 8 0* DarkGray, DarkGrey
> 9 4* Blue, LightBlue
> 10 2* Green, LightGreen
> 11 6* Cyan, LightCyan
> 12 1* Red, LightRed
> 13 5* Magenta, LightMagenta
> 14 3* Yellow, LightYellow
> 15 7* White
> The color codes for NR-16 don't make sense to me. Take Yellow, for example.
> Why is it numbered 14? 16-bit terminals use 11 for bright yellow [1]. Why is
> it different inside Vim?

It's not like Vim chose a different color, it's more like this documents
"standard" behaviour back in the time.

I believe this is just documenting the CGA standard. You can find it
e.g. here: and
check the Full CGA 16-color palette chart.

Die Zahl derer, die durch zu viele Informationen nicht mehr informiert
sind, wächst.
-- Rudolf Augstein

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