Monday, April 24, 2023

Re: What to use for....

On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 12:07 PM 'Sebastian Gödecke' via vim_use
<> wrote:
> Hi there,
> i'm running into issue if i don't get solution for getting older....
> I'm working with config files for an application that is using DN's
> In this config-file the ldap-dn has to be written in one (long) line. Actually it's 1779 counts long and for this, i don't see the missing "=".
> So how could i improve vim to "show" me that in my config-file is something missing.
> Could this be done with a template, syntax-checking or what else?
> Any hints for this would be great :D
> Regards Sebastian

By setting 'wrap' on, you will see as much of the current line as fits
in the current window ("window" in the Vim sense, there may be one or
more windows in a single Vim). Then you can scroll the text (by means
of the down-arrow key or, in Normal mode, by Ctrl-E) to display any
part of the current file line that overflow the current line. To get
at the next equal sign (if any), but only on the current line
(including any part of it overflowing the screen), use


("forward to =", see ":help f"); or to go to the end of the line,
scrolling if necessary, use the <End> key or, in Normal mode, the $

Best regards,

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