Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Re: Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix. No reason not to and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.

On Oct 26, 6:57 pm, Linda W <> wrote:
> pansz wrote:On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Linda W<>wrote:But I asked how it would be incompat if it looked for .vim, if found, then don't look for vimfiles.?You always have multiple runtimepath, at least you have ~/.vim and /usr/share/vim/vim73 as the runtimepath. If you ignore any others after looked for ~/.vim, then the system path would be ignored.---
>     you would only not look for 'vimfiles' in the user dir's where you found a ".vim"...
> you'd still process the path normally.   Just if you find a .vim then stop searching in that
> dir and begin processing the next.

Vim doesn't "search" for .vim or vimfiles.

You tell it exactly what directory or directories to use.

By default, you tell Vim to use ~/vimfiles on Windows, and ~/.vim on
Unix. There is no searching, no "if this directory exists use it for a
Vim config", or anything like that. Any directory in 'runtimepath'
which exists is used. Users could even use both .vim and vimfiles,
something like:

set runtimepath=$HOME/.vim,$HOME/vimfiles,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,

Setting up a variable "if this directory exists, don't use this other
directory" would be a change to the very NATURE of the 'runtimepath'.

The correct solution to this problem, if people can agree there is a
problem at all, would be to set the value of 'runtimepath' based on
the presence/absence of a $HOME/.vim directory. While this can be done
internally in Vim's C code, setting a different default value based on
the presence/absence of such a directory, I think this would be even
more confusing than the current situation. I think the real solution
is the trivial vimscript snippet shared earlier, added to the very
beginning of a .vimrc:

if has("win32") && isdirectory(expand("$HOME")."/.vim") && !
let &rtp = "$HOME/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/

This could even be part of the default _vimrc installed on Windows,
for the sake of people coming in from Unix.

I do note that the Vim installer (or at least, the Vim without Cream
installer I use most of the time) it specifically gives an option to
create a vimfiles directory for you. I would think this is already
hint enough, personally.

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