Saturday, October 1, 2011

Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect

On 02/10/11 02:09, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using CentOS 6, with vim 7.2. For whatever reason, there is no row
> and column info at the bottom right corner. I check the /etc/vimrc and
> set ruler is enabled. What could be the problem?
> --Farid

What does Vim answer to ":echo has('cmdline_info')" (without the double
quotes but with the single ones)? If it's 0 (zero), then the 'ruler'
feature wasn't included at compile-time.

BTW, Vim 7.2 is obsolete now (though admittedly less than the Vim 5.x I
saw someone use recently). The current version is 7.3.329. If you're
interested, see

Best regards,
After a number of decimal places, nobody gives a damn.

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