Sunday, July 23, 2017

Configure DBext mac for SQLite

Apologies if this is a repeat post, I have been trying to configure vim to work with dbext on MacOS Yosemite. Here's the connection string I have setup in my .vimrc

And here's the command I run

select * from CIK limit 5;

The error I get back

Connection: T(SQLITE) D(/Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.sqlite) at 17:32
Error: near "<": syntax error
To change connection parameters:
:DBSetOption user|passwd|dsnname|srvname|dbname|host|port|...=<value>
:DBSetOption user=tiger:passwd=scott
Last command(rc=1):
sqlite3 /Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.sqlite < /var/folders/p2/nkftf47s5vb8zr6slgc7fc940000gn/T/v5uxPIb/dbext.sql
Last SQL:
.mode column
.headers ON
select * from CIK limit 5

The bizarreness of this is that the following run on terminal:

sqlite3 /Users/brianlibgober/Dropbox/Collaborations/CleanMake/Main.sqlite < /var/folders/p2/nkftf47s5vb8zr6slgc7fc940000gn/T/v5uxPIb/dbext.sql


---------- ---------- -----------
0 0001438823 !J INC
1 0001509607 #1 A LIFESA
2 0001457512 #1 ARIZONA
3 0001433777 #1 PAINTBAL
4 0001427189 $ LLC

Which is what I would expect....

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