Saturday, July 22, 2017

Re: Arduino with vim (read "no IDE"-challenge)

On Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 9:44:31 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to try writing, compiling and uploading Arduino sketches
> without using the IDE (I prefere vim (obviously) as editor and
> switching between IDE and the then called "external editor" is
> quite fiddly).
> Fortunately I found plugins which claim to do exactly that.
> Unfortunatelu theu are qyite a few.... ;)
> Any suggestion what is suggested and what to try first?
> Anu Arduino-vimmer out there?
> Thanks in advance for uploading any helpful sketch into this mailing list!
> Cheers
> Meino

What platform are you using?

The current arduino gui can also be run from the command line. On MacOS it can be found:

Using an alias to path to it, you can upload code to your board with something like:

arduino --port /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 --upload FILE.ino

(where obviously you use the correct port for your system)

The main commands I've used are:

◦ [-v] --verify FILE.ino
◦ [-v] --upload FILE.ino
◦ --get-pref

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