Sunday, July 16, 2017

Re: dbext version 20 does not prompt for connection profile

On Friday, July 14, 2017 at 6:24:54 AM UTC-7, David Fishburn wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:24 AM, David Fishburn <> wrote:
> ...
> I have just discovered this old post but have run into the same problem with version 23.00 (just installed for the first time). The functionality works fine if I set a default profile but it will connect only to that default and I am not prompted to choose among the several profiles that I have included in my vimrc. Was this resolved?
> I will have a look at this soon, thanks for reporting it.
> Stevan,
> You indicate you are using version 23.00, but version 25.00 is the current version:
> dbext.vim : Provides database access to many DBMS (Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, MySQL, DBI,..)
> Can you please try with it and let me know.
> I am testing with the next version 26.00 and it works as expected.
> David

Hi David,

I have been traveling and apologize for my slow response.

It took me a while to realize that the version on (v.25) is ahead of the version (v.23) on GitHub. Anyway, got that figured out and updated to version 25. Same behavior. However, I wonder if I have simply been misinterpreting the functionality. One helpful site that led me to this plugin in the first place left me with the impression that the user is prompted for the desired DB connection from the list of connections detailed in the vimrc when you first call dbext in a new buffer. That does not happen. If I run a query, table select, or whatever from dbext, it automatically runs that command using the default DB connection. I can, however, use any DB connection listed in the vimrc if I run \sbp. Upon further reflection, this is probably the way it is intended to work, and I very much apologize for having troubled you if this was simply operator error.


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