Sunday, July 9, 2017

Re: Messages oddity


Phil Dobbin schrieb am 08.07.2017 um 13:24:
> On 08/07/17 12:03, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>> Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>> I was trying to debug something in Vim today & I needed to see the
>>> fleeting error messages that flash by when Vim spots trouble. However
>>> when I run :messages all I get is:
>>> 'Messages Maintainer' followed by a name & email address (which I
>>> haven't included here because of privacy concerns).
>>> Has anybody seen this behaviour before?
>>> I'm running console Vim from the Ubuntu 16.04 repositories which is Vim
>>> 7.4 with included patches: 1-1689 & extra patches: 8.0.0056
>> :messages does not show output from :echo. If you use :echomsg then it
>> does.
> Hi Bram.
> :echomsg shows nothing.

maybe you misunderstood Bram. He wanted to say that :messages only shows
output that was produced by :echomsg.


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