Hi Vimmers,
I'm writing a syntax file for Swift language. Apple Swift. What I'm trying to accomplish is have different regions for a function call and a function definition. This is not so difficult because a function definition will always be preceded by the keyword 'func'. I want two different regions because Swift, like Objective-C, has parameter labels that can be declared on its functions. For example:
func doSomething(param1: Int, paramLabel2 param2: Int)
When I call that function I should write:
doSomething(1, paramLabel2: 0)
What I want with the syntax file is to highlight the parameters labels in the function definition and also in the function call. So I am trying this set of groups:
syn match swiftDelimiter "[\[]{}()]" contained
syn region swiftBlock transparent matchgroup=swiftDelimiter start=/{/ end=/}/ fold
syn region swiftArray transparent matchgroup=swiftDelimiter start=/\[/ end=/\]/
syn region swiftBraces transparent matchgroup=swiftDelimiter start=/\\\@<!(/ end=/)/
syn region swiftFunDecl transparent matchgroup=swiftDelimiter start="^\%(.*\%(func\s\+\k\+\|[^.]init[?]\?\)\)\s*\zs(" end=")" contains=ALLBUT,swiftParam
syn match swiftParam contained containedin=swiftBraces display /\k\+\s*\%(:\)\@=/
syn match swiftLabel contained display /\(_\|\k\+\)\(\s\+\k\+\s*:\)\@=/ containedin=swiftBraces
The 'swiftFunDecl' matches every function definition and the 'swiftBraces' should match only other places where 'swiftFunDecl' doesn't match. But that isn't happening. The 'swiftBraces' still matches where 'swiftFunDecl' matches and, therefore, parameters are highlighted in the function definition where only labels should be highlighted.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong. Could someone help me with that?
Thanks in advance,
Alessandro Antonello
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