Tuesday, December 1, 2009

mapping problems

Hi all,

I keep running into brick walls trying to map certain key combinations:

<C-S-i> or <S-C-i> or <S-Tab>: the mapping shows up in my map, but there is an additional new mapping for <C-i> (which is the same as <Tab>).  After I unset that the <C-i> mapping, the <C-S-i> map remains but does not work.  It seems vim does not differentiate between <C-S-i> and <C-i>.

<C->> or <C-S-.>:  Again, the mapping shows up in my map, but vim seems to be losing the CTRL.  In insert mode, a > is inserted into the buffer.
<C-<> or <C-S-,>:  Same as above.

thanks in advance

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