Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Re: "error: Entry 'runtime/doc/tags' not uptodate. Cannot merge." with vim_mainline git repository

Dennis Benzinger, 2009-12-01:
> Since a few days I get an "error: Entry 'runtime/doc/tags' not
> uptodate. Cannot merge." message when I do git pull.

The 'master' branch (including the latest runtime files) currently
doesn't have this problem, but the 'vim' branch. Did you use the latter?

> Because I use this working tree just to compile Vim I didn't change
> this file on purpose.

It gets modified during "make install".

> And what could have caused this error?

This problem is caused by patches like the oldfiles or startuptime
patches, which modify documentation files in the runtime directory and
add helptags in these files, but don't modify runtime/doc/tags. This
file is only up-to-date in the lastest runtime files from the ftp
server. Nasty.


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