Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Re: SQL completion questions/bug?

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

> [...]
> And, probably a simpler question: I couldn't figure out how to limit
> table name completion to the 'current' database (current via the dbext
> plugin). So, everything is annoyingly prefixed with the database name.
> e.g. instead of:
> insert into tablen<C-C>t
> yielding:
> insert into tablename
> I get:
> insert into database_name.tablename
> Anyone have a slick setup for this?

Answering my own question, partly...

I found the g:omni_sql_include_owner parameter, which defaults to 0 if
it's unset, except that it then defaults to 1 if 'dbext' is also loaded.

Not sure of the 'owner' nomenclature... why not 'schema' or 'database'?
Either way, adding the following to something sourced from .vimrc worked:

let g:omni_sql_include_owner = 0


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