Saturday, May 1, 2010

Re: is a poor user experience

On 05/01/2010 02:50 PM, Charlie Kester wrote:
>>> Of course, if you're already over 13 (I'll be 60 next January ;-) ) the
>>> birth date doesn't have to be bogus. :-)
>> You are less then 6 years my senior.
> He's only eight months older than me.
> I wonder whether this is typical for vim users? Are we mostly a bunch
> of aging baby-boomers who learned to use computers back in the 1970's?

Some of us are only a little more than half that age...

But I think the typically unifying factor for vim users is
"wanting to edit text efficiently", not "used punched cards/tape"
or "loaded my operating system & software from tape" :-)


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