Saturday, June 13, 2015

Re: Is there any way to override scripts that load after .vimrc?

jshock wrote:
> My .vimrc file sets my textwidth=0, but it is being overridden by a plugin
> (/root/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin/vim.vim) that loads after my .vimrc and sets
> textwidht=72. I only have a user account on the server, so I don't have much
> control over the Vim or the plugins. Is there anything I can do in my .vimrc
> that essentially says "ignore any textwidths that load after this"?
setl tw=0

in $HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim

The "after" directories are loaded after everything else, so will be the
final override.

Chip Campbell

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