Saturday, June 13, 2015

Regex "stealing" from another history


(I am using the terminal based vim on Gentoo Linux. The terminal
is urxvt.)

when trying to do complex regexp things, which even may be
destructive to the text I use to try the regexp "pure" with
"/" or similiar.

Later, when the regexp do what I want it to do (READ:when I have
managed to fix my faults in the regexp ;) I do the real thing
like "s/ / /g" or such.

Vim stores the history of all kind of command in different
histories. When I am on the way to do a ":"-command I have no
access to what I have tried while doing "/"s.

Is there any way to access commands beyong the current valid

Thank you very much for any help in advance!
Best regards,

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