Thursday, November 26, 2015

Re: How yank some text to more than one register?

пятница, 27 ноября 2015 г., 5:30:57 UTC+6 пользователь Tony Mechelynck написал:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Roman <> wrote:
> > Hi, is any way to put yanked text with one keystroke, to more than one register? Something like vnoremap y "+y && "ny
> > Thank you for the answer.
> >
> If you can use mappings you can do anything. Maybe something like
> :vnoremap <F5> "+y:let @n = @+<CR>
> or
> :vnoremap <F5> "+ygv"+n
> See
> :help :let-@
> :help expr-register
> for the former, and
> :help gv
> for the latter.
> I would rather not map onto y which is the standard (and IMHO very
> useful) yank keybinding, and by default yanks to the default "
> register (sometimes called "the unnamed register" though its name is
> the double quote).
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Thank you Tony! I will grok it :)

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