Friday, February 5, 2016

Re: Pathogen doesn't seem to work

Op vrijdag 5 februari 2016 12:31:24 UTC+1 schreef Christian Brabandt:
> Hi Hashjie!
> On Fr, 05 Feb 2016, Hashjie wrote:
> > I'm not exactly sure what I have to check in the contents of my
> > pathogen.vim I've used curl -L to download it from github into my
> > autoload directory so I suspect it to be valid. I'll try to find out
> > if anything is wrong with the file.
> >
> > I've done a vim -u NONE and after that :source
> > ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim after that I've typed :scriptnames and
> > the second entry showed me that pathogen.vim was loaded. I ran
> > :execute pathogen#infect() and it didn't show me any errors. However,
> > I still couldn't use NERDTreeFind it said not an editor command. Seems
> > like the errors have dissapeared after sourcing pathogen.vim but it
> > still doesn't seem to recognize any plugins.
> You probably have to source the file that lives in
> nerdtree/plugin/<nerdtree>.vim (or whatever it is called).
> If you do NOT use -u NONE check, that your 'rtp' settings include the
> nerdtree folder and your :scriptnames command shows that pathogen is
> run. That should work and make sure, that all plugin folders from within
> the runtimepath setting are sourced on startup.
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Der Aberglaube macht die Gottheit zum Götzen, und der
> Götzendiener ist um so gefährlicher, weil er ein Schwärmer ist.
> -- Johann Gottfried Herder (Palmbätter)

Something like: set rtp+=$HOME/.vim/bundle/*
is this the way to make sure it has all plugins in the runtimepath?
Sorry for being such a newb...
If I run vim regularly then :set runtimepath? doesn't display the nerdtree folder.
Should I also do something like source $HOME/.vim/bundle/* in my vimrc?

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