Sunday, January 1, 2017

Re: vim session plugin with MacVim Question

On Jan 01, 2017 at 02:17 PM -0600, Russell Urquhart wrote:
>I would have thought that when i exit and quit MacVim that would end
>things correctly. Is there any way to NOT get that message when i try
>and start or load my default session?

I don't use NerdTree, but I do use vim-session with MacVim. I do not
experience what you are talking about. I usually close my sessions with
the CloseSession, but I just tried quitting MacVim without closing the
session or even closing the buffers. When I restarted and loaded the
session, I got no warnings.

This was not with a default session (I don't really use that
functionality) and the only setting I think I have set for vim-session

let g:session_autosave = 'no'

Sorry I don't have a solution for you, but there is hope. I'm using
MacVim 8.0 (119) installed through brew and updated MacVim's internal


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