Monday, January 13, 2020

Re: -x option encryption

On 1/13/20 10:22 AM, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_use wrote:
> You can set a key with :set key=mycoolkey


> This works here (doubles quotes = on Windows):
> vim --cmd "set key=mycoolkey" mynicefile.txt

I wonder if it would be possible to play with other methods to populate
the "mycoolkey" text. Admittedly, they aren't as Windows friendly.

Environment variables are the first thing that comes to mind.

After that is file redirection, possibly from a sub-command.

Finally, a full sub-command that extracts the password out of something,
possibly GPG protected file. }:-)

> (needless to say this is not recommended ...)

I know that the typical gotchas are the output of ps (et al.) and
methods to access other processes environment variables. What other
concerns are there that my uncaffeinated brain is missing?

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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