Monday, January 13, 2020

Re: -x option encryption

On 2020-01-13 11:16, 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use wrote:
> On 1/13/20 10:22 AM, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_use wrote:
> > You can set a key with :set key=mycoolkey
> Interesting.
> > This works here (doubles quotes = on Windows):
> >
> > vim --cmd "set key=mycoolkey" mynicefile.txt
> I wonder if it would be possible to play with other methods to
> populate the "mycoolkey" text. Admittedly, they aren't as Windows
> friendly.
> Environment variables are the first thing that comes to mind.

Did a quick test:

$ vim delme.txt
[add some text]
:set key=secret
$ KEY="$(echo secret)" vim +'let &key=$KEY | e delme.txt

which lets you use any method you want to obtain the secret key
(using the super-secure "echo" method of password storage here)

Alternatively, you could obtain the key without the environment
variable, though note that the trailing newline becomes part of the

$ echo secret > password.txt
$ vim delme.txt
[add some text]
:let &key=system('cat password.txt")
$ vim +'let &key=system("cat password.txt") | e delme.txt'

where you can use whatever program you want in place of

"cat password.txt"

to obtain your password.


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