Saturday, April 3, 2021

Re: dab, da(, da[, da{, etc. are not working!

* Maadis Ie <> [2021-04-04 03:26]:
> I am using vim 8.2 under Ubuntu and I have
> added vim-latex and vim-matchup plugins.

a bit of context:

general note: vim-8.2 has evolved a bit..
it is currently up to patch 2705.

i don't know whether your problem will be fixed by
upgrading, but it might help avoid other problems. :)

> Everything looks working fine ---
> di" can delete texts inside double-quote ---
> but dab, daB, dib, diB, di{, etc. cannot do anything.
> Are there any issues? Have I missed anything here?

"block" as in "code block between pairs of {}"?

maybe you can illustrate by giving an example?

if you meant "sequence of non-empty lines"
then you might be looking for these commands:

dap and dip

see also:
:help ap
:help ip
:h text-objects

ps: i know that "---" is inserted into
the text without any surrounding spaces
but this upsets many reading conventions
and breaks some highlighting/coloring.
so i mmoved your example onto a line
of its own. somehow easier to read. :)


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