Saturday, April 3, 2021

Re: How to have the spell checker ignoring URLs and acronyms

Walter Cazzola wrote:
Dear Vim Experts,
bored to have acronyms and URLs marked as errors in my LaTeX files I have
looked for a solution. Here

Suggests to add

   syn match UrlNoSpell '\w\+:\/\/[^[:space:]]\+' contains=@NoSpell
   syn match AcronymNoSpell '\<\(\u\|\d\)\{3,}s\?\>' contains=@NoSpell

in ~/.vim/after/tex.vim but it doesn't seem to work.
I suspect that you need to get your matches contained in various groups. For a start, consider also trying (in ~/.vim/after/tex.vim)

syn cluster texFoldGroup add=UrlNoSpell,AcronymNoSpell

You didn't provide any examples, so the above is a guess.

Chip Campbell

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