Wednesday, June 26, 2013

folding output of tree command?

Hi list,

Im looking for some expression to fold the output of tree command, i.e.:

├── opt
├── run -> /run
├── spool
│ ├── anacron
│ ├── asterisk [error opening dir]
│ ├── cron
│ │ ├── atjobs
│ │ ├── atspool
│ │ └── crontabs
│ ├── cups [error opening dir]
│ ├── libreoffice
│ │ └── uno_packages
│ ├── lintian
│ ├── mail -> ../mail
│ ├── plymouth
│ ├── rsyslog
│ └── samba
└── tmp

So imho I have to find a way to count the number of "│" (including the
following spaces), so i could define a rule to open/cloes the folds
recursivly. Any idea for an appropriate expression doing this?


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