Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re: Where to put "set iskeyword+=_" or remove "iskeyword-=_

On 2013-06-20, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:33:52 AM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
> >
> > The problem is essentially solved that this point. What follows
> > describes what I did in response to your advice on checking
> > whether $HOME/vimfiles/after/syntax/tex.vim runs -- it does not.
> > The word "after" doesn't even show up in the :scriptnames
> > listing below. I think I will save that for another day. But
> > if you have any suggestions (without going out of your way to
> > dig), I'd be happy to follow up to the extent that I can.
> >
> > Thanks !!
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > "~" is my short hand for $HOME, which I set in my personal _vimrc via:
> >
> > let $HOME=$USERPROFILE."/Documents"
> > set rtp^=$HOME/vimfiles
> >
> AHA!
> Note from :help 'runtimepath' that the "after directory" is only
> used normally, because the default value of 'runtimepath' contains
> $HOME/vimfiles/after as the last entry.
> Since you have moved your $HOME directory after Vim started up,
> you wisely re-inserted the new vimfiles location into the
> runtimepath. But, you did NOT re-insert the vimfiles/after
> directory!
> If you do not have other programs that pay attention to the HOME
> environment variable, you may be better off setting it directly on
> your system. Otherwise, you could modify your Vim shortcuts and
> .bat files and such to set HOME for you just before launching Vim.
> Or continue in the way you are doing things, but add a "set
> rtp+=$HOME/vimfiles/after" to your .vimrc.

I agree with everything you said, but I was wondering why just
setting $HOME in _vimrc didn't work to set 'rtp'.

":help startup" says that _vimrc is sourced in step 3 and plugins
are sourced according to 'rtp' in step 4. I would think that 'rtp'
would be evaluated at step 4 according to the current value of
$HOME, which in the present case was set in step 3. That's not what
happens, though.

I set up an experiment. I created two "HOME" directories in my
actual $HOME directory. In each I created a minimal .vim hierarchy.
In one I put a .vimrc file that set $HOME to the other directory.
Then I executed vim with HOME set to the first directory and
executed :scriptnames to see which value of $HOME was used by 'rtp'
when the plugin was sourced.

$ cd
$ mkdir -p a/.vim/after/plugin
$ touch a/.vim/after/plugin/foo.vim
$ mkdir -p b/.vim/after/plugin
$ touch b/.vim/after/plugin/foo.vim
$ echo 'let $HOME="/home/gary/b"' > a/.vimrc
$ HOME=/home/gary/a vim

I expected the last item in the output of ":scriptnames" to be


but instead it was


I even changed /home/gary/a/.vimrc to this:

let $HOME="/home/gary/b"
set rtp=
set rtp&

to force 'rtp' to be re-set with the current value of $HOME, but the
results were the same.

This doesn't seem right. Does anyone have an explanation.

I was using Vim 7.3.882 on Fedora 11.


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