Monday, June 24, 2013

Re: Vim 7.3 - Odd behaviour with Log file ESC sequences


On 2013-06-24 23:28, Matteo Cavalleri wrote:
> Il giorno lunedì 24 giugno 2013 12:29:15 UTC+2, Philip Rhoades ha
> scritto:
>> > your second case, not the first; in that first case there must be a
>> > script, or commands in a .vimrc, causing
>> > the sequences to be interpreted; the one I know about is AnsiEsc.vim,
>> >
>> The output of :scriptnames hereunder but I still don't understand -
>> does
>> it mean that one of those scripts is recognising the directory that
>> the
>> log file is in and causing Vim to change it's display of the log file?
> rails.vim might be the culprit. the fact it alters the output of the
> file only when it's in an app proper log's directory is another hint
> in that direction.

Yep, that's it - thanks!

Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001

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