Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: Not working wildcards in findfile()

Hi Markus!

On Do, 20 Jun 2013, Markus Braun wrote:

> I have a question about using wildcards in the path argument to findfile()
> function. When running these commands
> mkdir -p "test/dir-1/" && touch "test/dir-1/foo"
> mkdir -p "test/dir-2/" && touch "test/dir-2/foo"
> mkdir -p "test/dir-3/" && touch "test/dir-3/foo"
> vim -u NONE -c "echo string(findfile('foo', 'test/*', -1))|call input('press ENTER to exit')|q"
> vim -u NONE -c "echo string(findfile('foo', 'test/dir-*', -1))|call input('press ENTER to exit')|q"
> I would expect vim to output both times the same output of
> ['test/dir-1/foo', 'test/dir-2/foo', 'test/dir-3/foo']
> but the second vim instance only gives
> []
> I don't understand this behavior. What am I doing wrong here?

Looks like a bug. I almost have a working patch. I need to test it some

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