Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: multiple substitutions of individual characters

On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 at 9:40pm -0800, Chris Lott wrote:

> I have a mapping in my .vimrc to replace "smart" typographic
> characters with their plain text counterparts:
> map ,fq :%s/"/"/e<enter>:%s/"/"/e<enter>:%s/'/'/e<enter>:%s/'/'/e<enter>:%s/–/--/e<enter>:%s/—/---/e<enter>:%s/…/.../e<enter>
> It strikes me that this is probably not the best way to go about
> this...I was thinking it would be cleaner to somehow use an array of
> characters and replacements (or something similar)?

You could use Tim Pope's Abolish plugin:


or short (with a capital "S", not "s"):


Hope this helps.


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