Sunday, March 31, 2013

Re: Can 'set ' be elided? When?

Hi Dotan!

On So, 31 Mär 2013, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 7:34 PM, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> >> Why is "syntax" an option yet "colorscheme" a command?
> >
> > Probably because colorschemes do not change the behaviour of Vim but
> > rather change its appearance.
> >
> > But who really knows the reasoning why some commands are not options?
> >
> Thank you. I did not realize that syntax actually changes the
> behaviour of VIM. I suppose that it could change things like
> indentation.

Yes, loading syntax files could e.g. change the 'isk' setting so syntax
highlighting works better, but this might have other side effects. So in
fact setting syntax (and therefore loading a special syntax file) might
in fact change the behaviour of Vim.

Actually I think the syntax option is a bad example here, since
:set syntax?
might not always give the exact syntax setting that is used.


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