Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Re: Profiling vim

Excerpts from Marco's message of Wed Mar 27 01:20:22 +0100 2013:
> Usually I submit a bug report when there is none. But generally I
> refrain from submitting "me, too" comments.
1) There is no better way to tell devs that their plugins are being used.
2) The bug report says "sometimes it just completely locks up"
You said it always locks up after 10 secs.

So your case is much more urgent ? That's why I thought it would be
little more than just "me too".

> easytags project doesn't seem to be very active, according to the
> commit history the issue list.
Right, then we should mask it in vim-addon-manager-known-repository for
those reasons - being almost unmaintained?

> I don't need this plugin. It hogs my computer and serves no useful
> purpose.
Then I wonder why you installed it at all - you must have been looking
for something.

Have you found an alternative serving you well? If so I'd like to
document that in the deprecation message in VAM-kr.

Marc Weber

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