Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re: mouse cursor and copy/paste

On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:24:56 PM UTC-5, SanDiegoGary wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using VIM 7.3 on Windows 7 (32-bit). I want two things:
> 1) Prevent active window selection to change VIM cursor location (don't want the left mouse click to select the VIM window to affect the existing VIM cursor)
> 2) Ability to copy/paste to/from windows keyboard (preferrable with edit>copy and edit>paste).
> To get (1), I've tried "set mouse=v" (or =c or =i). Visual, Insert and Command each give me (1). Default of =a, or Normal does not.
> When I have Visual, Insert or Command mouse modes, the edit> copy function does not work. I've read help pages gui-mouse, gui-mouse-move and gui-mouse-select, and tried various combinations of "selectmode" and "mousemodel", but can't come up with a combination that works.
> Any ideas??
> Thanks!
> Gary

I think I experimented once with setting mouse= (empty) on a FocusLost autocmd, but I don't remember whether that actually worked. I don't seem to have it in my .vimrc currently.

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