Sunday, April 26, 2015

Re: Build amenu from Funcref

On Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 3:43:43 PM UTC+1, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 4:42:40 AM UTC-5, Ni Va wrote:
> > Even if I replace call by exe, the func is not called by pressing button on my toolbar's menu.
> >
> STOP and think a minute. You *cannot* replace "call" with "exe" because you MUST "call" a function, unless you want to evaluate the function and execute the string result it returns as if it were an ex command.
> > exe 'anoremenu '.m.getMenuPath().'.'.foo.' :call funcref#Call("'.string(Fn).'")<CR>'
> >
> This should work fine. You say Vim just displays the command...but there is no "echo" anywhere. Are you sure you tried this exact command?
> I experimented as follows and everything works as expected:
> function! MyFunc(num)
> echo "number is " a:num
> endfun
> silent! unmenu
> exe 'anoremenu '."Plugin".'.'."foo".' :call MyFunc("'."12345".'")<CR>'
> I get a "foo" item in my "Plugin" menu, and when I click on it, I see "number is 12345" echoed on the screen.
> > replaced by
> >
> > exe 'anoremenu '.m.getMenuPath().'.'.foo.' :exe funcref#Call("'.string(Fn).'")<CR>'
> As discussed above, this will not work. "exe" means "take this string and use it like an ex command". "call" is what you want.

Hi Ben

I knew that call was different from exe and I supposed that I bad explained the probleme.

Calling and building a local func like you do is easier than calling a func declared as "object method" in a dedicated vimscript.

You can see in attached file that I have wrote similar object as described here :

Although, I got E488 error when I use the button menu the script buildt.

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