Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Re: integrating subversion into vim

On 2015-04-23, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> Let's say I have a file that is currently under subversion. Normally,
> I edit the file, save it, go to the konsole, use svn diff to check the
> differences. Instead is it possible to do all this in the vim window
> as follows?
> 1) Edit the file in vim.
> 2) Enter a command or a shortcut key in vim so that the current vim
> window automatically goes into vimdiff mode with left pane showing the
> original version in subversion, right pane showing the current buffer.
> 3) After checking the differences, modify/save the file
> 4) Enter a command or a shortcut key in vimdiff mode to go back to
> just the vim window in step 1.
> Is this vim -> vimdiff -> vim cycle achievable in vim?

Yes. I do this daily with Perforce, occasionally with Mercurial,
and used to with ClearCase and RCS. I think you can find plugins
for this, but the code is pretty simple. Here is my command for
diffing the current buffer against a Mercurial version. By default,
it uses the latest Mercurial version.

command! -nargs=? HgDiff vnew | set bt=nofile
\ | silent exe 'r ++edit !hg cat <args> #'
\ | silent 0d_ | windo diffthis

For Subversion, which I don't use, you just have to replace the

hg cat <args> #

part above with the equivalent Subversion command that prints or
cats a version to stdout. According to "svn help cat", I think that
would be

svn cat <args> #

Here is the command I most commonly use to go back to normal
editing. It cancels the diff and closes all but the right window.

command! -bar -bang Nodiff wincmd l
\ <bar> only<bang>
\ <bar> diffoff


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