Thursday, April 23, 2015

Re: Fedora 22 and Vim

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Tough <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

I've installed Fedora 22 on one of my notebooks. The syntax highlighting
in Fedora 22 is terrible. The new colors are very pastel like, and not
at all to my liking. Would someone be able to explain how I can retain
the colors I like?

I sent an Email to the Fedora people but did not get an answer from

Kevin Tough


What is your color scheme?  You can find this out by running the command ':colorscheme' (without the single quotes.) Are you aware that you can change the color scheme to your liking, regardless of what Fedora provides? See ':help colorscheme'

Vim usually ships with a handful of options so you should be able to find one you like. You can also install schemes you find online.

Ethan Alan
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