Monday, April 20, 2015

Re: Why command `vim -T dumb -c 'echo "Hello World!"' -c q` behaves differently when /dev/stdin is redirected from when /dev/stdin is not redirected?

Am 2015-04-20 03:58, schrieb Peng Yu:
> vim -T dumb -c 'echo "Hello World!"' -c q
> ~$ cat
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> cat < /dev/stdin > /dev/null
> vim -T dumb -c 'echo "Hello World!"' -c q
> But running the following command will show "Vim: Warning: Input is
> not from a terminal". The problem is related with /dev/stdin. Does any
> know how to understand this behavior of vim? Thanks.

You mean, why the warning is printed? The warning just means that
is (most likely) redirected. That is useful to know,
since it means, you can't type commands to control Vim.

Or is there actually a different behaviour depending on whether
stdin is redirected?


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