Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Re: Gvim save session dialog


av schrieb am 21.04.2015 um 13:25:
> I would like to know what is the command in gvim to popup the save or
> load session dialog that is available from the gvim toolbar.

take a look at the output of

:menu ToolBar

Somewhere in this output you will see something like

220 LoadSesn
n*s :call <SNR>25_LoadVimSesn()<CR>
v*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_LoadVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>
s*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_LoadVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>
o*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_LoadVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>
230 SaveSesn
n*s :call <SNR>25_SaveVimSesn()<CR>
v*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_SaveVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>
s*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_SaveVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>
o*s <C-C>:call <SNR>25_SaveVimSesn()<CR><C-\><C-G>

(The numbers you see might be different.) Then issue the following

:function <SNR>25_LoadVimSesn
:function <SNR>25_SaveVimSesn

This will show you how these function were declared. At the end, those
functions are wrappers around

browse source <some_session_file_name>


browse mksession! <some_session_file_name_as_default>


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