Thursday, December 15, 2016

How to fold or hide the comment in vimrc file?

I want to fold or hide the comment in the vimrc file.
I Google it and find mainly the 2 solution below but none of them worked.

syn match comment "\v(^\s*\".*\n)+" fold

set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^\s*"'

My Vimrc file is like this, when I enter the 2 commands above nothing happens.

if g:atCompany
" set tags+=D:/Ruchee/Files/code/self/ci/tags
" set tags+=D:/Ruchee/Files/code/self/laravel/tags
" set tags+=D:/Ruchee/Files/code/self/sf/tags

So how to hide the comments?

Another question plz, how to edit the code format in this edit box? It's terriable that I can't post code here.

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