Monday, December 26, 2016

vim 8.0 file explorer restrictions

hy, my question here is about the allowed locations in the new vim 8.0 file explorer netrw 156.

i'm running vim 8.0 on a windows 7 system and i'm having this issue whenever i open gvim (the one that runs in a window as opposed to running in cmd) the default path in :pwd is c:\users\"user". if i use the :Explore command it brings up the file explorer showing all the files in there but i can only go up in file paths up to c:\users and that's it, i can't go any upper than that.

more than that if i use the :cd command to go to a different drive (d:), it does change the directory successfully and it does show it if i use :pwd but if i use :Explore it doesn't show anything, instead it just does a split screen of the same file containing the same text i have in the initial file.

more than that, if i create an asdasd.txt file in d:\ and open it with vim and then use :Explore again it does nothing, just goes back to the same line of text i was on in command mode, almost as if the program is looking for access to that directory or cancelling the command because of something like that.

also, i used vim 7.4 before this and it would any of the commands mentioned as expected. any ideas what the problem might be? does it need any special configuration?


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