Monday, December 19, 2016

Re: Why the number of the yanked line is too many(may be over 22) the command line will not show if the line was copied ?

On 2016-12-19 19:14, Zhe Lee wrote:
> I mean when I copy several line in the vim, the command line will
> show the lines has been yanked. But when number of yanked line is
> over 22(I test it), the command line will show nothing when the
> copy is done. But it becomes a little inconvenient for me that I
> don't know whether the copy is successful. How to set the vim to
> show the yank is successful when the copy is done?

Have you tested it without any plugins or extra stuff?

I just tried the following

$ vi -u NONE
:help 'report' " get to some place in the help
3Y " yank 3 lines
" correctly reports 3 lines yanked
yG " yank to the end of the document
" correctly reports 2698 lines yanked

so I suspect that you have something interfering with that reporting.


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